
Code of Conduct Appendix B, dealing with Gitlab specifics

I - Adhere to the Gitlab Code of Conduct

You can find Gitlab's Code of Conduct at .


Violation of either Codes of Conduct may result in a warning, suspensions or restriction from the Gitlab or Permanent bans from the Gitlab.

II - Fair Use

There are no hard limitations on the Gitlab instance. However, once usage of individuals impacts the stability of the system or hinders others from using the same, or is designed to prevent usage of the same, limitations can be imposed on a case by case basis.


Stability and Usability of the provided Gitlab instance.


III - Repository Misuse

Keep git repositories for what they're for. Do not use them for


Repository misuse puts immense stress on gitaly, especially during housekeeping. In extreme cases, this can cause gitaly to become unresponsive, causing a partial outage.
